Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tips to cure a flu

Drink a lot of hot fluids (teas, soups, etc.) to keep you hydrated, warm and to dilute toxins. This also helps your immune system to fight and prevent the influenza virus, drinking herbal tea should help to relieve a sore throat.

Drink lots of juices (orange juices, multivitamin juices, etc.) vitamins in juices will help your immune system, therefore cure the illness faster.

Stay warm. Sweating helps to get rid of toxins and to recover your body faster.

Keep your feet warm (put on some pleasant socks) warm feet helps blood circulation.

Have a balanced diet. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, this is one of the most important actions you can take to boost your immune system.

Eat or chew few pieces of raw garlic, It helps your blocked nose and sore throat. Some experts say that garlic is also very good for boosting your immune system, therefore helping to cure and prevent the flu.

Rest. Your body uses a lot of energy to fight the virus, being tired will delay the healing process.
Wash your hands often, so you don’t infect other people by touching doorhandles, etc. influenza virus can live on hard surfaces for hours.

Take the painkillers for the headache, to relieve the fever. (paracetamol, etc.)* (Do NOT give aspirin to anyone under the age of 21, as it is linked to Reye’s syndrome)*

Take the throat lozenges or cough syrup to relieve sore throat (honey & lemon, etc.)*

Use nasal spray to relieve runny/blocked nose* – natural alternative to cure blocked nose is to chew the garlic for 3 minutes, or better – to eat it.
Blow your nose (into a disposable tissue, wash your hands afterwards)

Aromatic steam – Fill a bowl with steaming water, add a few drops of Eucalyptus Oil, drape a towel over your head and lean over the steam. Breathe the steam for 10 minutes. It will help you breathe easier by unblocking your blocked nose.

Gargle with salt water – Put 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of mildly hot water and gargle for about 40 seconds. Try not to swallow the substance. It will help to heal your sore throat.

Hope this helps :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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