Monday, December 28, 2009

iPhone!! X BlackBerry X

Dreamt of owning an iPhone last nite!! touch it!! feel it!! keep it in my pocket!! everything was so real!! Now i can feel an iPhone is on its way to me!! haha.. Blackberry No More!! So much lousy reviews on BBStorm. Previously wanted BB Bold 9700 is due to its Integrated GPS Function. Now i've got a GPS. I Can Whole-Heartedly Wish & Receive my iPhone in early 2010 :)

Was Reading this book that i found in my bookshelf recently, "Secret of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. In Part 2 of the book, it was called The Wealth Files!! Touching on 17 Ways Rich Ppl Think & Act Differently from the Poor & Middle Class.
Here's the 17 Wealth Files:
  1. Rich Ppl Believe "I Create my Life!"
    Poor Ppl Believe "Life Happens to Me."
  2. Rich Ppl play the $$ Game to WIN!!
    Poor Ppl Play the $$ Game not to Lose
  3. Rich Ppl are COMMITTED to being RICH!!
    Poor Ppl want to be rich
  4. Rich Ppl Think BIG
    Poor Ppl think small
  5. Rich Ppl Focus on OPPORTUNITIES!!
    Poor ppl focus on obstacles
  6. Rich ppl admire other RICH & SUCCESSFUL Ppl
    Poor Ppl Resent Rich & Successful Ppl
  7. Rich Ppl associate with Positive & Successful Ppl
    Poor Ppl associate with Negative & Unsuccessful Ppl
  8. Rich Ppl are willing to promote themselves & their Values
    Poor Ppl think Negatively about selling & Promotion
  9. Rich Ppl are BIGGER than their Problems
    Poor Ppl are smaller than their PROBLEMS
  10. Rich Ppl are excellent Receivers
    Poor Ppl are poor receivers
  11. Rich Ppl choose to be paid based on RESULTS
    Poor Ppl choose to be paid based on time
  12. Rich Ppl Think BOTH
    Poor Ppl think Either/Or
  13. Rich Ppl Focus on their NET WORTH!!
    Poor Ppl Focus on their working income
  14. Rich ppl Manage their $$ Well
    Poor Ppl Mismanage their $$ Well
  15. Rich Ppl have their $$ work Hard for them
    Poor Ppl work hard for their $$
  16. Rich Ppl ACT in spite of FEAR!!
    Poor Ppl let FEAR Stop them!!
  17. Rich Ppl Constantly LEARN & GROW!!
    Poor Ppl always think they already Know "EVERYTHING"!!

GOOD BOOK!! It's a MUST Read :)

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